Showing 5 Result(s)

Qigong and Taiji Summer Camp 2022

Agenda Qigong on SaturdayMeditation, basic exercises and “Wu Qin Xi – The Game of the Five Animals” Qigong on SundayMeditation, basic exercises and “15 forms of expression” Taijiquan on SaturdayStanding sows, basic exercises, shape Taijiquan on SundayStanding sows, basic exercises, shape Also plannedIndividual corrections of the movement sequences as well as explanation of the backgrounds …

8th Horse Show on May 7th & 8th 2022

On May 7th and 8th we organize our annual Horse Show and Tournament at AdW Horse Riding in Berlin Oberspree. Also this year we offer a colorful program for young and old. In this way, our little ones can prove themselves in the reins competition and the big ones can start in tests up to …

Help for Ukraine

Quite unbureaucratically, the board of the AdW has launched a donation of 500 €. We want to support the help for the people in Ukraine. The money goes to the ARD donation account.We call on all athletes to participate. Monetary donations can also be paid into the association account of BSV AdW e.V. stating the …

All sport areas are closed

The  Bezirksamt Treptow-Köpenick, section Sport informed us that all sport areas and gyms are closed from Monday March 16th til April 19th 2020. Training and competition operation are prohibited. We will inform you as soon as there are any news or changes.

An interview with our sport club

We had the chance to answer exciting questions by It brought up insights about the origin of the AdW and how it developed until today. Read the whole interview here